
Showing posts from December, 2023

Workplace Safety in Industrial Manufacturing : Daily Practices and Tips

Industrial Manufacturing: 10 Tips for Daily Safety in the Workplace 1.        Inform Supervisors of Unsafe Conditions 2.        Use Equipment, Machines, and Tools Properly 3.        Wear Safety Equipment (PPE) 4.        Prevent Slips and Trips 5.        Keep Work Areas and Emergency Exits Clear 6.        Eliminate Fire Hazards 7.        Avoid Tracking Hazardous Materials 8.        Prevent Objects from Falling 9.        Use Correct Posture when Lifting 10.      Take Work Breaks From Time to Time   kvr  1. Inform Supervisors of Unsafe Conditions If you see something that could potentially hurt someone, remove the object or clean the area if you can do so safely. Otherwise, inform your supervisor. Since your supervisor is legally obligated to keep you and your fellow employees’ working environment safe, they must take action. 2. Use Equipment, Machines, and Tools Properly Misusing tools and machines is the most prevalent cause of workplace injuries. When usin